Monday 2 December 2013

Meal Planning Monday (2nd December 2013)

Well, look at that. Somehow I blinked and it's December! DECEMBER. That means it's officially only 23 sleeps until the big jolly man in the red suit squeezes his way down the chimney. (Good luck getting out of the wood burner Santa).

I'm stunned that it's so close to Christmas although I'm pretty organised - most presents wrapped, nights out booked, cards written (and posted as necessary *rubs halo*) but the food side, still not sorted. This is very unusual for me as it's normally all done, dusted and decided way in advance but for some reason this year the Christmas food seems to be triggering anxiety in me. This is nuts as I love Christmas, and I love all the food prep. It makes no rhyme or reason but I guess these things show themselves in funny ways.

Anyway, the next few weeks are CHAOS. There is no other word. I have to be a million different places - school discos, school plays, carol concerts, swimming galas, school trips to the theatre, after school activities, work and an abundance of nights out. I don't even see the point in meal planning as it just feels like it will never happen, but I'm going to at least try. This week looks like this...

Chicken salad (leftovers from Sunday roast)
Spaghetti carbonara
Sausage and mash
Beef and broccoli stirfry
Fish'n'chips (either homemade or takeaway!)

I've tried to go easy as I don't want to buy a whole load of groceries and just end up throwing it away at the end of the week.

Okay, the Linky is below so you can link up your own meal plans now. 

If this is the first time you've stumbled across my blog and you're new to the #mealplanningmonday concept, then the idea is simple - all you have to do is write a blog post about your meal  plan for the week and submit the URL of your post using the Linkytools below. If you've not got a blog but want to join in, that's fine too - just leave a comment below telling us what you're planning this week.  Any questions, just holler at me via email (in the contact page) or on Twitter @madamding.  

Don't forget we have a Pinterest board and Facebook group - ask me for more info if you want to join in. 

Look forward to reading all your plans this week - I've got another linky for festive crafts and recipes running here, do join in if you've got some posts you'd like to share. 


  1. This year has flown over...Can't believe it's only 23 days till Christmas day! Scary! lol

  2. My teen son wants to come visit! ;-) x


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!