Sunday 1 December 2013

Currys PC World Bloggers Gift Guide Challenge

It's all about Christmas on the blog at the moment isn't it? Only 24 sleeps to go and the advent calendars were duly opened this morning with great delight! Alas, I didn't get a calendar this year. I had my eye on one of the stonking beauty calendars but missed out so instead opening a calendar of loveliness I am dreaming of techy/gadget gifts by taking part in the Currys PC World Blogger Gift Guide Challenge.

I was asked if I'd like to take part in the challenge but making my own little Christmas list using the Currys PC World gift guide. I've also got a list of "wants" as long as my arm so this was easy peasy. We're pretending that I've been SUPER good this year (which of course I have) and that Santa wants to reward me greatly. 

I've been hankering after a Smart TV since having one in a hotel room in the summer. Integrated WiFi, Google Chrome browser, apps for Facebook YouTube and Twitter, streaming of HD movies etc what's not to love?

Any self-respecting music-lover would love the SONOS Play 5 which gives you the ability to stream music from iTunes, Spotify and other music services, wirelessly around your house. You can connect several speakers to the system giving you an awesome multi-room experience. Something like this would get so much use in my house, perfect when I'm doing my cleaning chores!

The Nikon Coolpix is a great little starter camera and something like this is pretty much perfect for my daughter who is just coming up to 8 years old. I know she'd get a lot of use on our many trips out and would enjoy taking snaps and downloading her photos herself.

Yes, yes. Once again I am planning on getting fit, but this year I mean it and the FitBit is probably the perfect accessory. This little wristband tracks your progress against your goals and even monitors the quality of your sleep. I'd like to find one of these in my stocking this year!

Finally, something that is probably occurring on a lot of Christmas lists this year - an iPad Mini. This one really doesn't need an explanation. Please Santa, I've been really really good!

What do you think? Fancy my chances? I don't!

If you want to take part if the Currys PC World Blogger Gift Guide Challenge, why not check it out here!

Note: This post is part of the Currys PC World Bloggers Gift Guide Challenge. I have not been paid or compensated in any way.

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