Wednesday 27 November 2013

Sponsored Video: Presenting the Tweeting Bra!

Breast self-examination is so very important, however there are a lot of us girls out there who completely forgot to do it. I know, I guiltily put my hand up as one of them. There are just so many things to do - like many busy working mothers I’m juggling a lot of balls – and it never seems to be a priority for me. Which is silly because it really should be a priority.

Like many people these days I’m a total social media addict so I was quite happy to read about something that could serve as a reminder to me to carry out this important check. The Tweeting Bra. Yes. A bra that tweets.

You want to know more don’t you? How can a bra tweet?

Okay, well every time Maria Bakodimou (she’s a glamorous Greek actress and television personality) unhooks the bra, the built-in low voltage Bluetooth unit which is installed within the hook of the bra sends a signal is sent to the phone that holds the @TweetingBra account and a tweet is posted to remind everyone about the monthly self-exam. Really quite novel, huh?

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK with around 55,000 people being diagnosed with breast cancer each year.  Earlier detection and better treatments mean that survival rates after diagnosis of breast cancer are improving and women diagnosed with breast cancer are now twice as likely to survive the disease for at least 10 years than those diagnosed 40 years ago. So you see, regular checking to spot any changes in your breasts is super important.

If you want to get involved you can follow the official Tweeting Bra Twitter account @TweetingBra, spread the word by RTing selected tweets from the @TweetingBra and follow the action using the #tweetingbra hashtag.

For more information on the campaign, check out the Tweeting Bra website.

Disclosure: This post has been sponsored by Nestle Fitness however all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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