Monday 18 November 2013

Meal Planning Monday (18th November 2013)

Hello! Would you believe it's only 37 sleeps until Christmas? Wow! I don't feel even slightly festive yet but no doubt once we get into December, time will fly by!  

Last week was a bit of a horror but I've just spent a lovely relaxing weekend in London with my dear Mr M. CHILD-FREE. What a treat! We went to Borough Market, saw Les Mis at the theatre, shopped in Soho, went to the Christmas markets at South Bank, took a trip over to Greenwich and the National Maritime really was lovely. Back to reality now though...

I didn't meal plan at all last week, I just had way too much going on so it's nice to have a bit of normality this week and here's what normal looks like!

Toad-in-the-Hole with mash
Lasagne, salad & garlic bread
Chicken fajitas
Pasta carbonara
Garlic chicken and chips
Prawn curry

All stuff I've cooked before but I've got a busy week and that's not always conducive to being experimental!  I didn't get much time last week to check out your posts but I'll try harder this week. 

As always, the Linky is now open. You can start linking up your #mealplanningmonday posts now! 

If this is the first time you've stumbled across my blog and you're new to the #mealplanningmonday concept, then the idea is simple - all you have to do is write a blog post about your meal  plan for the week and submit the URL of your post using the Linkytools below. If you've not got a blog but want to join in, that's fine too - just leave a comment below telling us what you're planning this week.  Any questions, just holler at me via email (in the contact page) or on Twitter @madamding.  

Do remember to check out the Facebook group and also the Pinterest board - if you want any more details about these, get in touch.  Remember to use the #mealplanningmonday tag on Twitter. I do try to RT some through the week (as many as I can without annoying people!).

Have a fab week meal-planners!


  1. I do love chicken & chips, and garlic chicken is particularly yummy! I'm glad you had a lovely weekend in London :)

  2. I'm glad you had some relaxing time! My teen would love your house this week! x

  3. sounds like you had a great time over the weekend, you definitely needed after last week. Menu looks great by the way, as always!

  4. Sounds like you had a great weekend!!
    Ohh I would like your meal plan this week....hehehe Sounds fab x


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!