Saturday 16 November 2013

E.ON: Helping families to save energy in the home

At this time of year, when it’s getting a bit nippier and we start to reach for the thermostat I’m sure we all notice our household bills rising as the temperature outside dips and the one indoors rises!

In today’s tricky financial climate keeping our household bills as low as possible is all too important for families that are trying to stick to a strict budget.  However, we all love our home comforts and one of the valid concerns about reducing our energy use at home is that we’ll also be reducing our own comfort levels. Nobody wants to be cold at home do they? You’ll be glad to know there are other ways of reducing your energy bills without having to resort to thermals!

As one of the leading energy suppliers to UK customers, E.ON recognises it has a duty to make sure that everyone has all the information they need to work out the best way to help save money and use no more energy than they need.


E.ON's newest campaign will help you take your first steps when it comesto saving energy and cutting down on waste.

After all, a significant amount of your energy consumption may be just that – waste. It could be the fault of a faulty gas hob, a problem with your insulation or perhaps just the settings on your central heating. Estimates show that turning down the central heating by just one degree could shave £60 off the average household's gas bill (depending on your usage).

The new E.ON energy saving toolkit will help you on the road towards running a more fuel-efficient home. It even includes a comparison tool, which will allow you to compare your energy usage with similar homes so you can keep an eye on your practices in relation to those around you.

E.ON's website also features a number of handy tips to help you become more fuel efficient, like not leaving your television on standby quite so often. If you’re an E.ON customer you can also use the comparison tool, which allows you to see how your home is performing in relation to those in your area – given you greater motivation to save energy. You won't need to be a qualified expert to put these into practice, just a dash of common sense will do!

Making steps

If you pop over and have a look at the toolkit – you will need to register to manage your account on line before you can use the tool but this only takes a moment – you’ll find out some great ways of reducing your energy use without it having too much effect on you.

For instance; did you know that 34% of us admit we leave up to 15 gadgets and appliances turned on at once?  Apparently TVs, DVD players, chargers, microwaves and even cookers use a surprising amount of energy when they are on standby or left plugged in. I’m the worlds worst at leaving things on so we bought ourselves an energy saving adaptor – you just plug in your TV, DVD player, games system etc. and as it has a remote sensor on it, when you press the standby button on your TV remote control, everything powers down ensuring that when they’re not in use they’re not being a drain and costing you lots of money needlessly.

Small changes is really all that’s required to make an impact on your energy usage and ultimately, your pocket!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post
Image Credit: House to Home

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