Tuesday 31 December 2013

My personal favourite posts of 2013

Instead of a review of the year, blah blah blah, you've already heard enough about my holidays I think...  I thought I'd just take a moment to have a quick shufty back through the archives and share some of my personal favourite posts of the year. 

I like these posts for various reasons and well, it's always good to give your archives an airing isn't it? Some of these got comments and received, others? Well they might not have been read at all which is why I think it is always good to share posts again! 

Learning by Rote (March 2013)

My Life in Film (March 2013)

Hope you find some good reading here and do feel free to share your own favourite posts of 2013 in the comments and I'll be sure to stop by your blog and check them out!

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