Thursday 21 November 2013

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming…

Both of my darling children are now extremely keen swimmers.  My daughter in fact finds herself in the swimming pool several times a week at the moment so it goes without saying that I find myself buying an awful lot of swimwear for them throughout the year. Especially as sometimes they swim twice in one day, which necessitates having spare kit ready!

The only problem I find these days, especially as my children get older, is that school has become a bit of a fashion parade so when looking to buy new swimwear I try to find websites with a wide range of childrens swimwear available. This is mainly so I have lots of choice but also because I’m a little bit stingy when it comes to paying P&P and I’d rather be able to just get everything in the one place. 

Swimwear should be of course be functional, comfortable, hard-wearing and durable but I also like to buy things that are quite lively and eye-catching like the fun and colourful girls swimwear from Zoggs.  This is very important when you’re watching swimming practice from the side of the pool and trying to spot which is your child – once they’re all wearing identikit swimming caps, you can’t tell one from the other so I find a distinctive costume aids this somewhat!

It may sound crazy but having nice swimwear that the children picked themselves was half the battle of getting my originally very water-shy son into the pool and my daughter loves a new swimming costume as much as she’d love a party dress! Learning to swim is an essential life skill that I wanted both my children to have so if they needed a little encouragement to make that splash into the pool then I was happy to provide!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.
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