Thursday 21 November 2013

Don't sweat the small stuff

I have had two pieces of rather rubbish news recently. The first was a whisper of redundancy. The second was the unexpected death of a colleagues wife. Someone I've known for a very long time.

I've found myself in a place of great stress and anxiety recently. Often knotted up, feeling nauseous, panicky and lacking any serious motivation. Anxiety has zapped the get-up-and-go right out of me.

I was feeling like this right up until the funeral of said friend. Worried all the time, stressing internally, that sense of doom lingering over me.

Then I had awakening.

Sure, redundancy is crap. It's going to be bad. A big lifestyle change for both of us as it's very unlikely I'd ever be able to get a job on such good pay, terms and perks. In fact, impossible. But you know, it's not the end of the world. I'll survive it.  I may cry and get angry and upset but life goes on.

What's the point of worrying daily about something that may or may not happen. I've been spending my time getting myself all twisted up in knots, feeling paralysed and resentful and it's time to take back control. 

I've still got my health and I've still got my family - who are also in great health. We're financially secure and we'll manage whatever happens.

I'm making the decision to not stress. It's difficult but with deep breathes and trying to focus my attention elsewhere, I am getting there. The old cliches of "you only live once" and "life is short" have never rang more true recently.

Losing my job? Really that's the small stuff in life and I'm trying hard not to sweat it.


  1. a bit of both but mainly modern

  2. I'm a vintage fan much more than modern.

  3. always vintage

  4. A mixture of lots of different styles love the scarf

  5. Sorry to hear about your bad news and recent loss. Threatened redundancy is nothing to fear...I jumped ship a few years ago (after a near miss with redundancy!) and have never regretted the decision. x

  6. Erm probably modern tbh.

  7. I agree with Lisa. Taken redundancy 3 times now and each time, it's been a positive thing in the long run - if it does happen, see it as an opportunity to do something you really love and your quality of life will change, even if your finances won't be as rosy. Life will be different, but it's life. I'm sorry to hear about your colleague's wife - an unexpected death is often harder to take because of the situation and you weren't prepared for it. Hugs all round to you, your family and your colleague.

  8. i love modern clothing and vintage furniture :)

  9. Hope life works out, but redundancy can be a new beginning, and health matters more. Sorry for your friends wife.


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