Monday 28 October 2013

Pulling the rug out...

I'm a big fan of a good rug. In the winter, I like lying around on the floor in front of the fire and a nice, cosy, shaggy rug can make this a more pleasurable experience. 

At the moment, I'm rug-less - bar a rather boring looking carpet off cut in front of the wood-burner. Totally perfunctory but with proper binding, so its not literally just an off-cut but it is the same as the carpet and therefore pretty meh.  As I'm replanning my living room, I've talked about my coffee table search already, I'm thinking that the right rug could really set the room off.

In my experience rugs can also hide a multitude of sins. Yes, a well-placed rug can certainly disguise that dodgy red wine stain on the carpet.  It can most definitely cover up those unidentifiable stains in the hallway and there's no doubt that the patch on the floor where one of the pesky children dropped something icky and sticky can be well hidden. Never underestimate the power and abilities of a good rug. 

The question is, when it comes to choosing a rug, do you go for something that blends in and is neutral or do you opt for something that could accent or compliment the room with a good contrast? There's a huge range available out there from ubiquitous beiges and creams to stylish red rugs and bold patterns. 

Me? I quite like a good statement rug but I'm still working out how to incorporate that into my house. Part of the problem is I haven't yet settled on a new colour scheme but I'm sure when that is decided on it will be easier to picture the kind of rug I'd like. In the meantime, I shall carry on browsing websites and shops for inspiration!

How about you? Are you a rug person or not? And do tell...what's hiding under yours?

Disclaimer: This is in association with Carpetright
Image Credits: House to Home

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