Monday 28 October 2013

Meal Planning Monday (28th October 2013)

So it's Monday again, and here it's half-term, which of course means all chance of routine goes straight out of the window! If you're reading this I'll presume that you've survived dear old Jude? I'm actually writing this Sunday night as the weather has fallen into the terrible habit of knocking off my telephone and Broadband for pre-empting that and getting ahead of myself!

I'm a bit out of sorts at the moment, had some really bad, sad, news last week and have spent most of the weekend in a bit of a blubbery daze. Meal planning therefore is quite basic and perfunctory as I've not had the mental capacity to think much harder than that. 

Spaghetti bolognese
Chicken kebabs (totally from the chip shop, I'm CRAVING)
Burgers with Stilton 
Skinny keema
Sausage and mash with onion gravy

Not too inspiration but it serves a purpose and is super easy for this week which should mean that sticking to the plan won't be too hard. 

Right-o meal planners, in the words of the great Delia - LET'S BE HAVING YOU! The Linky is open and you'll find it below so getting linking your #mealplanningmonday post now! 

If this is the first time you've stumbled across my blog and you're new to the #mealplanningmonday concept, then the idea is simple - all you have to do is write a blog post about your meal  plan for the week and submit the URL of your post using the Linkytools below. If you've not got a blog but want to join in, that's fine too - just leave a comment below telling us what you're planning this week.  Any questions, just holler at me via email (in the contact page) or on Twitter @madamding.  

Remember we now have a Facebook group and a Pinterest board so if you want any more details about those, please ask.

In the meantime, hope you have a great week whatever you are doing, wherever you are. Keep smiling!


  1. Half term here too....Going well so far but we're only on day one....hehehe

    We never saw much of the storm up here in Northumberland.....So glad we usually get the worst of the weather....

  2. Hope your week improves x

  3. Excellent pie with or without the bananas. Will make and eat this very regular I think.

  4. Sorry to here you had bad news. Sounds like time to indulge yourself - enjoy those kebabs!

  5. Did you survive half-term? I won't lie, I'll be glad to see them go back tomorrow!


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!