Monday, 6 June 2011

Meal Planning Monday (6th June 2011)

So Meal Planning Monday comes around once and again and this week - erm there is no plan. 

I know, what a big fat failure but the truth is I have been somewhat crippled by anxiety recently and also been away for this weekend and the combination of the two have left me in a right muddle.  

There WILL be a plan, when I get around to thinking about it. It will no doubt consist of jacket potatoes and frittatas but at least they'll be a plan huh?  I haven't yet finished reading everybody's blogposts from last week so I'll do that today and lets face it, probably just steal all your ideas!

In the meantime, do leave a link to your blogpost on the Linky below and I'll be back with an update very soon!

Happy Monday!

love & kisses
Mrs M x


  1. Why? Why? Why? Don't I do this?!!!!

    But I appreciate your inspiration each week, Mrs. M.

  2. lol I've fallen off the wagon way too many times aswell x

  3. Oooh, I need some inspiration from here - my meal planning head has most definitely fallen off this week. Thank goodness for a well stocked freezer!


  4. ~whispers~ I'm really excited about our meal plan! LOL

  5. Hi, I'm Erin. *waves* I just found your meal plan link up. I hope you don't mind if I join in.

  6. Hi Erin - the more the merrier!


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!