Sunday 3 February 2013

Mrs M's Recipe Link Party (Feb '13)

So last month saw the return of my Recipe Link Party which until late last year I had been running each month. I'm pleased to say there was a really good response to the January Recipe Link Party with 37 people submitting posts. And look! A new image for this month which ties in with the new badge I made for Meal Planning Monday.

I've been cooking a few new things recently myself but haven't yet sat down and blogged them all - January went by rather quickly in the end and there was a lot going on. I'll be playing catch-up this month.

Right, I'm just going to launch right in with my three favs from January. It was hard to choose but these three caught my eye.

Image Credit:
Corned Beef Scone from Onions and Paper.  Jane has been joining in with #mealplanningmonday and when she mentioned this corned beef scone in one of her blog posts she got quite a lot of interest so I'm pleased to see that she blogged it.  I really love corned beef and don't do enough with it so this has inspired me.

Image Credit:

Cheese Arancini from We Don't Eat Anything With A Face. I adore arancini but have never made them at home. I love Lisa's idea of using leftovers although any leftover rice tends to get thrown in the chicken's direction - they'll be most put out! I think the children would love these so I'm going to give them a try.

Image Credit:
Seville Orange Marmalade from Farmersgirl Kitchen. I love marmalade. No I mean I LOVE it. I never used to but it's something that has grown on me as I get older. I've made jam plenty of time but never marmalade so I may give something like this a go myself. My mouth is watering just looking at the picture!

Don't forget to check out the rest of the January submissions by clicking here.

The February Link Party has now opened so get submitting your recipes. You've got all month to add as many as you like.

The non-rules...

You can submit as many recipes as like. 
You don't have to write a specific post for the link party. 
Make sure you link to the post, not your homepage.

Grab the badge above if you like and stick it on your blog. 
Put the badge or text-link to the link party in your recipe post if you want to. 
I'd appreciate it and it all helps to spread the word and get others involved. 

Please try to visit a couple of the blogs that link up.
I will attempt to visit & comment on all that I can.

You can start submitting your recipes now (the linky will close on 28th February) and at the beginning of March, I'll be starting the party all over again and  showcasing my favourite submissions. 

Any questions, do drop me an email - you can find my details on the contact page of my blog.  As you can see I've used pictures from the original blogs - if anyone has a problem with me doing this, please do let me know bu I will always credit and link to your blog.

Thanks to everyone who joined in last month and here is a to a great February Link Party! Don't forget to spread the word and get your blogging friends to join in - the more the merrier.


  1. Oh I'm so glad you liked my Corned Beef Scone! I've got some more super-easy dishes in the pipeline, will make sure I link up

  2. Thank you for featuring my marmalade, was pleasantly surprised when I popped in to link up for February :D

  3. I couldn't find the badge code? xx

  4. Great to have found this linky! Thanks for hosting :D

  5. Can anyone help me with how do I put the button and link to this blog, into my blog on wordpress? I'm a bit of a newbie to blogging.... I'll be round to visit all the other recipes when I get a moment :-) Belinda

  6. Ryan: Yeah we worked really hard to get where we are now
    so we're just working on enjoying it too instead of just focusing on
    what's next. We're doing the Morgan Page tour
    up until then and then after that we're doing
    a couple more weekend shows and then we're going to take two weeks off in December
    and hit the ski slopes and just relax and hit some studio time
    and then we'll be back at in January for touring and stuff.
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I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!