Tuesday, 25 September 2012

What I'm reading...

It's been a while since I've shared what I've read recently or what I am reading or even what I am going to be reading!  I thought I'd write one of these posts as reading other peoples lists on blogs has become my new favourite way of finding books to add to my Kindle.  

Shopping for books on my Kindle has become a new obsession of mine. When I see something I fancy, I save them into an Amazon wish list until I am ready to buy one. I can also see if the price has gone down since I added it to the list which greatly interests a geek like me.

Since I got my Kindle I've been reading a lot more. I love taking it on holiday and not having to decide what I wanted to read in advance - it's a lot lighter than carrying piles of books in my suitcase, which means more room for shoes! 

I'm not going to whittle on about the books in great detail or else I (and you) would be here all day but I've linked to them on Amazon so you can make your own minds up (and no, they're not affiliate links!).

What I've read recently

The first book I read on holiday was Bared To You by Sylvia Day. Obviously comparisons are going to be made to 50 Shades and it was a very very similar storyline but I thought it was a whole lot better written. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading the second instalment which is out next week I think.

After having many Lisa Jewell books recommended to me, I tried my first one, The Truth About Melody Browne. I enjoyed this book, it was a good holiday read and it has inspired me to try a few of her others. I didn't love it as much as I thought I would but it was easy going and interesting enough to keep me reading.

Can't Live Without by Joanne Phillips was a book I downloaded on a whim. The book was entertaining but also left me with a warm feeling at the end. I loved the character of Stella and can't wait to read more from Joanne Phillips in the future.

I downloaded Me Before You by JoJo Moyes ages ago and for some reason never fancied reading it, but launched into it on holiday. I think this book has been a bit marmite for some but I loved it. I was hooked on the story and cried buckets at the end. I don't think a book has made me cry since I first read The Time Travellers Wife.  Loved it and have downloaded some more JoJo Moyes to read.

The Wicked Girls by Alex Marwood was another book that just randomly caught my eye and this was one of those books that I just couldn't stop reading until it was finished. It's a psychological thriller and it was a gripping read but not too hard-going which is one of my favourite types of book! I immediately raced off to see if Alex Marwood had written anymore books but alas I think this was the debut offering.

Finally, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce. Totally not the type of book I would normally read but what a beautiful and touching story. I loved this book, it didn't have me gripped but it was a nice, gently story. I'll admit, it lost me part way through but the ending was sweet in its own way and I found it quite thought-provoking.

What I'm reading now

I normally don't like to have more than one book on the go but my Kindle is changing the way I read. I currently have three books on the go! Two of them are ones I just dip into every now and again, I tend to pick them up and read a chapter every so often as they're not really hooking me in but I do want to finish reading them.

Evelina by Frances Burney is a book I have wanted to read for a while but I'm finding it really hard to get into as I've not read classic literature for quite a while now so the language takes some getting to grips with. I'm reading it in small chunks!

I loved What Katy Did (by Susan Coolidge) when I was a child, I must have read it a hundred times so am enjoying revisiting this book as an adult and have been surprised to find that I probably didn't understand a lot of what I was reading back then. Fascinatingly I can still remember how I imagined the characters and settings to look. Hope to read this with my own daughter at some point but wanted to re-familiarise myself with it first.

And finally, my main read at the moment is Marianna by Susanna Kearsley. I'm really fond of a historical time-slip kind of book, I like the links between past and present so I was happy to find this book recommended somewhere and am so far enjoying reading it very much. I really enjoy books with a bit of something spooky in them so will be checking out her other books when I've finished.

What I'm reading next

It's hard to say what I am going to read next as I'm so indecisive and it depends on my mood but it's probably going to be these.

Reflected in You by Sylvia Day is the second book in Crossfire series that the book above, Bared to You is part of. I'm hoping to enjoy this one as much as the first, I was desperate to read this when I'd finished Bared to You.

Another historical time-slip book, Underground by Gayle O'Brien and it's storyline about a runaway who finds a 150 year old letter intrigued me. 

Before I Met You will be my second Lisa Jewell book. Actually it'll be my third but I abandoned one of the others after I couldn't get in to it, I will try again though. I like the write up for this so have high hopes.

Whilst I am travelling down the road of erotic fiction, I thought I'd go retro and try one of the original "bonkbusters" Lace by Shirley Conran. They say never judge a book by its cover, but I'm totally going to because look at it! Can't wait to get stuck into this.

And finally, what I expect to be a more difficult and intense read than most of the above, Florence and Giles by John Harding. It's described as a gothic thriller and I have no idea what it's about or what to expect! 

And there you have it! 

I'd love to hear from you if you've read any of the above books - no spoilers please if I've not read it yet! - and what you thought about them. Also if you have any suggestions of other books I might enjoy based on the above, do leave a comment, and make sure you tell me what you are reading at the moment - I love to talk books!


  1. Will add some of these to my to read list. I need to get some ideas for good books to read!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, hopefully you've seen something you like!

  2. I'm currently reading the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Read 3 in two weeks, slighty addictive.

    1. I've not heard of them, I'll look them up!

  3. I've read Florence and Giles and loved it up until the last few chapters. The ending was really weak and left a lot of loose ends unexplained. It was a shame as I enjoyed the style of writing and the really eerie atmosphere of the book.


    1. It doesn't seem like something I'd normally read, but I'll give it ago. I'm quite often disappointed by endings of books!

  4. I loved Me Before You as well. First novel I've read by that author but I've now got her other books on my reading list. Thanks for this post - always good to get new reading ideas

  5. Oooh a Jojo Moyes book I haven't read yet! Thank you :)

    I am currently reading Duncton Wood which I suppose is the mole equivalent of Watership Down. Was very dubious when I started but I am loving it! I never expected to find myself reading chapter after chapter about a mole exploring mole tunnels and be so gripped...

    1. That sounds like an interesting book, I'm going to looking it up now!

  6. Thank you for some honest reviews, there are several there that I would like to try, will put them on my wishlist and download to kindle when I need more books.

  7. Ooh I'll add some of these to my 'must read' list although I'm still in the stone age and refusing to get a Kindle! I'm currently reading the Game of Thrones series which has taken me an absolute age! As much as I love the books I am looking forward to reading something else!

    1. Have had Game of Thrones on my Kindle for ages but just haven't fancied them yet.

  8. Loved this post and you've given me lots of inspiration! I'm reading a brilliant psycho thriller atm, Revenge of the Tide by Elizabeth Haynes. http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=revenge+of+the+tide

    Will finish it tonight and have her other book, Into the Darkest Corner ready to roll!

    Nic x

    1. Ooh I've got Into The Darkest Corner on my "to download" list on Amazon so glad you're enjoying one of her books. Will add that one too.

  9. I must be the only woman in the whole world that still hasn't gotten around to reading Fifty Shades trilogy so that'll be next on my list but I'll definitely look into reading Bared to You after that! Thanks for the tip :) x

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