Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Swedish brand Polarn O. Pyret’s Children in Need campaign to launch

Since its launch in the 1970s, Polarn O. Pyret, veteran kids clothes brand, really has stood the test of time. The brand prides itself on making clothes that look great on kids, wash and wear well for the parents, and have as little impact as possible on the environment. It’s never changed its stance on the need for good design and clothes that let children be children.

PO.P promotes nothing but great quality, durability, and functionality – nothing more, nothing less. That’s why more and more people are buying their stuff. Oh, and not only that, but because PO.P garments wear and wash so well, they usually still look great and has many years’ worth of wear left in them even after they’ve been outgrown… Made even more useful by the fact that many of the garments and colours in the PO.P range are unisex. How great is that?!  So - they can be handed down from child to child in the family or between friends, or, alternatively, can be sold on – and have a very high resell value on sites like eBay.

Now for Children in Need this year, PO.P is asking customers to bring back outgrown PO.P clothes during October. If you’ve got any outgrown PO.P children’s or baby clothes lying around doing nothing, just pop into your nearest PO.P store, where they’ll gladly take them in for public resale across 14 UK stores from 1-18 Nov on special Hand It Down sale rails. 

While all proceeds from the sale going to this year’s BBC Children In Need appeal, this charity drive will also give you the opportunity to do your bit for the environment!

And what’s more, as a little thank you, any customer who donates an outgrown garment will then receive a 10%-off voucher to use in store throughout October on any purchase made for a brand new item.

PO.P plans to sell second-hand t-shirts on for £2.50, while snowsuits will go for around £25. PO.P UK’s MD, Mats Nilsson, said of the promotion, “Our clothes are made to last and this event illustrates the true value of durable clothes that can be used by more than two children. Our stand against ‘throw-away’ culture is good for the environment and good for the pocket too!”

This really is Swedish functionality – and generosity - at its best! Make sure you join in the fun in October and grab yourself a bargain In November. 

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.

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