Monday 9 December 2013

Meal Planning Monday (Monday 9th December 2013)


I'm going to keep this brief as I am stupidly busy again this week. SLOW DOWN LIFE! I'm also probably being quite ambitious this week seeing as I have a lot of after school commitments this week but I'm going to at least attempt a meal plan! It's a short one this week as I am eating out twice at the weekend - got to love Christmas nights out huh!

I've STILL not managed my Christmas meal planning yet, I'm totally out of synch at the moment. As the children get older I seem to have less free time when I thought I'd have more! Never mind, it's all good and keeping busy keeps me (relatively) out of trouble.  Here's my plan for the week ahead.

Sausage carbonara
Lamb balti
Steak and stilton burger
Chilli & rice (from the freezer)
Spaghetti bolognese (from the freezer)

As you can see I'm trying to make room in the freezer for Christmas stuff. Got to be thankful on busy weeks if you've got some leftovers stashed away! Makes me keen actually to get back into batch cooking next year. Perhaps a new years resolution.

Lets see what you have got planned for this week then shall we?  The Linkytools widget is at the bottom of this post, so write your meal plan on your blog and submit the URL below. Not got a blog? Doesn't matter a jot! Simply leave a comment below telling us what you're going to be eating this week.

If you've got any questions, you can catch me via email (in my contact page) or grab me on Twitter (@madamding). 

Have  a great week everyone!


  1. I'm clearing space in the freezer too !

  2. I know exactly what you mean about getting busier as they get older, it's utter madness here on a daily basis. I'm meeting myself coming back most days!


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!