Monday 16 December 2013

Meal Planning Monday (16th December 2013)

Yes, yes, I know Monday is almost over but I've been so busy today and every day recently actually! Damn real life getting in the way of my blog. Still, I'm here now. Better late than never huh?

This week we're all over the place. Standard for last week of term I guess? I honestly don't know if I'm coming or going but there is some semblance of a meal plan and here it is

Easy cheesy nachos
Frittata, chips and salad
Spaghetti bolognese
Sausage and mash
Tomato & basil pasta bake

Easy and simple meals which is exactly what I need this week. I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to things settling down in the new year and being able to cook some yummy creative dinners again!

As I'm so late this week, I'll just get on with it!  The Linky is below so you can link up your own meal plans now. 

If this is the first time you've stumbled across my blog and you're new to the #mealplanningmonday concept, then the idea is simple - all you have to do is write a blog post about your meal  plan for the week and submit the URL of your post using the Linkytools below. If you've not got a blog but want to join in, that's fine too - just leave a comment below telling us what you're planning this week.  Any questions, just holler at me via email (in the contact page) or on Twitter @madamding.   Don't forget we have a Pinterest board and Facebook group - ask me for more info if you want to join in. 

Look forward to hearing about your plans and I'll see you next week for the Christmas meal planning extravaganza!


  1. Meal planning? The week before Christmas?! Not a hope. I'm planning on raiding the freezer/fridge/cupboards, eating out, take away and ready meals.

  2. I have gone for easy and simple meals this week too....We have far too much to do! This is my last meal plan of the year I'll be back in 2014 though ;)

  3. I think simple is good right now, we are playing fridge surprise all week :)


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!