Monday 25 November 2013

Meal Planning Monday (25th November 2013)

Good morning! I'm going to keep the chat uber brief today because I've had somewhat of a manic weekend and I'm in a rush this morning to get this done before the school run! This weekend has consisted of umpteen hours on my feet at school and newborn baby snuggles. Including being coated in projective baby vomit. Nice, but not the first time!

I'm home alone a couple of nights this week so am making the most of that and shall eat things I normally don't because of fussy Mr M! It's looking a bit like this....

Toad in the Hole
Aubergine Parmigiana
Lamb Moussaka
Greek style kebabs (home, not chip shop!)
Steak and chips (YUM!)
Roast dinner

Planned for 7 days this week, lets see how it goes. Can you tell I never normally get to eat aubergine? Mr M hates it. 

Lets see what you have got planned for this week then shall we?  The Linkytools widget is at the bottom of this post, so write your meal plan on your blog and submit the URL below. Not got a blog? Doesn't matter a jot! Simply leave a comment below telling us what you're going to be eating this week.

If you've got any questions, you can catch me via email (in my contact page) or grab me on Twitter (@madamding). Don't forget to use the hashtag #mealplanningmonday on your tweets!

See you next week, when it will be DECEMBER!


  1. Yummy!

    I joined in the linky :)

  2. Yeuch aubergine - I guess someone has to eat them!


  3. YuM! I like aubergine but rarely have the patience to make moussaka. I take my hat off to you,

  4. I don't think I've ever eaten

  5. I'm a mix of both. I like adding a vintage item to a modern outfit.

  6. a bit off both but mostly modern

  7. I like mixing and matching, A gorgeous vintage piece can add a fab statement to a modern outfit

  8. I love vintage style and I'm talking waaaay back. I love Gothic or Victorian :)

  9. I Like Classic Style


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!