Friday 22 November 2013

Firecracker Chicken

Just look at the colour of that. Pretty intense isn't it? This is Firecracker Chicken and you know what, it was delicious. 

Firecracker Chicken, I am guessing, is either Chinese of Japanese. I was going to plump for Chinese but I'm sure I saw it on sale in a Japanese restaurant once. I'm sure one of my readers will correct me. Either way, it's the perfect mix of spicy and sweet and definitely leaves you wanting more. 

I thoroughly enjoyed making this and I enjoyed eating it even more. Who needs a Chinese takeaway when you can whip up something like this at home quickly and with no dodgy additions.

This recipe is to serve 4. Plan ahead, it takes quite a long time in the oven,

Firecracker Chicken


2 tbsp toasted sesame oil
4 skinless chicken breasts
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
100g cornflour
2 large eggs, lightly beaten

For the sauce;
75ml buffalo wing sauce (either Discovery or Franks)
225g light brown sugar
1tbsp water
2tsps apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp dried chilli flakes


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees/gas mark 4.

Chop the chicken breasts into small bite-sized chunks and season well.

Take two separate bowls. Place the cornflour in one and the beaten eggs in the other. Dip the chicken pieces into the flour then coat well in the egg mixture.

In a large wok or frying pan, heat the sesame oil over a medium heat and cook the chicken until browned. Transfer the cooked chicken into an oven-proof baking dish (one big enough to have the chicken in just a single layer).

In a mixing bowl, combine the buffalo wing sauce, light brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, water, salt and chilli flakes. Mix well and pour over the chicken. Pop into the oven and bake for an hour, checking, stirring and coating the chicken occasionally.

I served this with my egg fried rice recipe and it went down a treat.

An hour feels like a long time but this comes out wonderfully baked and sticky and well worth the wait!


  1. More vintage than modern. But to be fair I am of an age that my modern is vintage!

  2. Id say more modern, but willing to try a twist of vintage

  3. a bit of both :)

  4. A bit of both! Love to mix vintage classics with modern trends :)

  5. A bit of both if I am honest. Take the best of both and create the best you you can :)

  6. I usually go with modern but every now and again something vintage pops into my life that I love

  7. Gosh I'm halfy half, ummm more vintage i think.

  8. Modern but my mum was recently having a clear out so I had a good rummage amongst the items she was intending sending to the charity shop and now have a few vintage items to add to my wardrobe.

  9. Vintage to me is a timeless look that radiates glamour through the decades it epitomises feminity in a way that generates confidence and sophistication. Vintage is Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and all the other greats, give me vintage any day for a statemented, unique eternal glamour that can transform you and make you feel femine in a way that no other style could ♥♠♣

  10. Nicola Jayne Robinson24 November 2013 at 19:26


  11. a mix of the two. i love to incorporate vintage pieces with modern. but sometimes i like going all out vintage, it depends on my mood.

  12. Stephanie Whitehouse,25 November 2013 at 08:03

    strictly Vintage

  13. Vintage, classic styling that never dates.


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!