Thursday 24 October 2013

Tasting the difference with Sainsburys Wine

Two things you probably already know about me. 

1. I like to receive nice parcels in the post.
2. I like wine. A lot.

So you can imagine that a parcel of wine in the post pretty much equals at totally rockin' day! 

When Sainsburys asked me if I'd like to sample some of their single serve wines (they've recently increased the number of single serve wines they have in store to offer more quality and choice), it was hard to turn it down. Although I'll be honest, the "single serve" concept is a little alien to me *hic*.

I was sent five different wines to try;
  • Taste the Difference Prosecco (£3.00)
  • Winemakers' Selection Gavi (£1.80)
  • Taste the Difference Macon-Village (£2.25)
  • Taste the Difference Primitivo (£2.25)
  • Winemakers' Selection Merlot (£1.80)
I'm not going to pretend to be a wine connoisseur by any stretch of the imagine however I'm one of those people that can enjoy ALL wine, though I tend to stick to white in the summer and red in the winter. Prosecco - anytime. There's never a bad time for Prosecco in my book but it is also very much a Christmas day tradition. What's a Christmas breakfast without Prosecco, huh?

The first one I tried was the Taste the Difference Primitivo.  I didn't know much about Primitivo so had to call on Google who tells me it's produced in South-East Italy and isn't one of the most popular grape varieties but is pretty much the same Zinfandel. I thought this was a very easy-to-drink soft red. One that I could very much enjoy of an evening in front of the tv, with or without food.

Would you look at the state of that wine glass? That's what dishwashers do for you. Need some new glasses, pronto!

Next up was the Winemakers' Selection Gavi, another Italian offering.  This was nice, refreshing and slightly zesty white. Again, quite easy to drink and would be rather pleasant sitting in the back garden in the summer after work I think!

After the Gavi, I gave the Taste the Difference Macon-Village. This is a French wine from Burgandy using the Chardonnay grape, therefore in taste, it's very much like the usual Chardonnay. I'm not a massive fan of Chardonnay but this was a nice, clean wine. Quite citrussy.

I don't think you can really go wrong with a nice merlot so was keen to try the Winemakers' Selection Merlot. This a medium-bodied wine from France and is quite strong at 13.5% - just the way I like it! This was a lovely, warm red with a smooth taste and is definitely a wine I would drink regularly.

Finally, the Taste the Difference Prosecco. I've tried this before (several times...) and am already a fan. I've never been a fan of champagne but I do enjoy a nice Prosecco and this Conegliano Prosecco was my tipple of choice last Christmas. So far, out of all the different supermarket bubbles I've tried, this Prosecco is hands down my favourite. Even better with a little bit of Chambord or peach puree added to the glass!

The Prosecco isn't actually that colour, it has a healthy dosage of Chambord in that glass too.
I LOVE Chambord

Hand on heart, I loved every single one of those single serve wines, so I imagine I'd love them even more in a regular sized bottle! Single size is perfect though if you just fancy a glass every now and again, rather than opening a bottle on your own. I especially love the mini Prosecco as I'm the only one who drinks it really and I can't manage a whole bottle of fizzy wine!

Thanks to Sainsburys for sending these wines for review!

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