Saturday 19 October 2013

Quick and easy winter garden tips for busy parents

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While kids are the top priority in any family household, this doesn’t mean your home has to suffer in comparison.

Being house-proud and a number one mum or dad are not mutually exclusive – the two can co-exist if you go about it in the right way.

A garden is often a telltale sign of how a household is run. A leaf-strewn, overgrown lawn might suggest the interior of a house is equally untidy while a perfectly manicured garden hints at a meticulously organised home – or a child-free household!

Spending enough time maintaining your lawn is important for this reason, plus gardening is enjoyable and a good excuse to get some fresh (albeit chilly!) air.

If you’re a busy parent here are a few quick, easy and affordable garden tips to have your lawn looking fab in no time.

Have a tidy up

On a day when the cold and rain decides to give way to pleasanter climes, venture outside and have a quick tidy up session. This shouldn’t take too long but will make all the difference to your garden’s appearance. Sweep the leaves from the patios, cover outdoor furniture and hide plastic flower pots away in the shed.

Protect your plant life

If there’s one thing that gets overlooked when it comes to winter garden care, it’s tying up loose branches and stems. Remember that these will start to bend and even break as the uncongenial weather makes its appearance increasingly obvious, so make sure plants are protected and properly tethered.

Add some colour

An easy way to give your garden a bit of life in the winter is to invest in some cheap and cheerful plants that introduce a splash of colour in an outdoor space which has inevitably become a bit dreary with the arrival of the colder months. Go for hardwearing but nice looking plants and make sure they are not too exposed to the elements. You can find recommendations for winter plants and decorating tips for your garden online. Also have a look for discount coupons if you plan to make any purchases for the garden this winter and put what you save into your Christmas fund.

Get the kids involved

Multitasking is a godsend for busy parents who barely have time to carry out one task let alone find the time for two! Getting the kids involved in the gardening means you can keep an eye on them while sprucing up the house, so get them to tidy outdoor toys away or announce a ‘who can pick up the most dead leaves’ competition.

Disclaimer: In association with SuperSavvyMe 

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