Tuesday 22 October 2013

Egg Fried Rice

This is a really quick and simple recipe so I'll keep it brief.  You can't beat a bit of egg friend rice with a Chinese-inspired dinner and the best thing is it's so quick and easy to knock up.

You may want to plan ahead a little if you're making fried rice as it's always suggested that you use rice that's about a day old. If I remember, I'll sometimes cook it in advance and refrigerate, if not I cook it when I start the rest of meal, cool it down super quick under cold water and refrigerate it until I need it. Always seems to work well. Regardless, if you don't do this, it will still taste pretty awesome with freshly cooked rice.

This recipe serves about 2-3. You can easily change things to suit too - you like it more eggy? Throw an extra egg in there! I generally always add more soy sauce too, I like it quite strong!

Egg Fried Rice


175g cooked rice
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
handful of frozen peas, defrosted
2-3 tbsp light soy sauce
1 egg, beaten
1 tbsp finely slice spring onions


Pour the sesame oil into a large wok and heat gently over a medium heat. 

Add the chopped onion and peas and fry for a couple of minutes until starting to soften.

Push the vegetables to one side and pour the egg into the pan on the empty side. Take a spatula and gently scramble the eggs. When the eggs are cooked mixed them together with the onions and peas.

Add the cooked rice to wok and mix gently. Pour the soy sauce into the wok, add the sliced spring onions and stir fry everything together until heated through. 

And that's all there is to it. Tasty egg fried rice for your dinner!



  1. chantelle hazelden22 October 2013 at 17:59

    I love egg fried rice, great recipe x

  2. salmon and broccoli pasta bake

  3. I always cook egg fried rice with warm just cooked rice. The recipe I use is slightly different, I cook the onion, then add the rice, then a beaten egg so it coats the rice.

  4. Just the recipe I was looking for


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