Monday, 25 July 2011

Meal Planning Monday (25th July 2011)

Hello from a sunny Monday morning in Mrs M's kitchen. I hope you've all had a good weekend? We hit the coast for a day of icecream and fish and chips, the weather was a bit dodgy but it was at least warm and the children loved playing in the sand.

It's the first proper day of school holidays today and I've woken in the worst mood possible. This doesn't bode well for the kids does it? Anyway, to combat my bad mood I shall be mainly comfort eating this week.

Week commencing 25th July 2011

Chilli & rice
Gratin of prawns
Chicken salad with citrus & chilli dressing
Spaghetti bolognese
Pizza of some variety

The  pizza night is mainly for Mr M as I am going to the cinema with a friend and we're going out for tea first (probably Nandos). Can't leave the poor man to fend for himself can we?  If we should have some random heatwave then I may ditch something in favour of a BBQ (we can live in hope can't we? I mean it is almost August).

What are you all eating this week? Join in with the Linky below and don't forget to check out all the other great entries for more meal planning inspiration.

love & kisses
Mrs M x


  1. First day of our holiday here too. My menu planning looks like this - Monday - eat out Tuesday-Thursday : clear out the freezer! (it needs defrosting) usually I have a plan but this week I'm winging it. Hope it works out! I can get away with it in the holidays but not in term time.

  2. Oh my goodness, that gratin of prawns looks absolutely delicious! Definitely one to bookmark.


  3. Yum!! Sounds a good week ahead. You are very organised! It's been a while since I've been on here..hope you're well Mrs M. Lucie x

  4. My meal planning went completely awol while I was poorly! Hopefully we'll beat it back into shape in the next week or so. :)

  5. Comfort eating sounds great - enjoy! And thank you for the linky.


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!