Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Boy crushes: the 2011 version

I'm bored tonight and It's been like nearly 18 months since I last shared with you my (weird?) boy crushes. 18 months is a long time and a lot can change.  

Of course I am still loving all those men that I blogged about last year but now I have new ones to perv over, I mean lust over.

I mean, I didn't even mention Robert Pattinson who frequently enters my dreams...

or even Jackson Rathbone who I love. Almost more than life itself.

How about the actor Matthew Goode? We like him, we do.

and Henry Cavill, the future Mr M.

and how about my reignited love for Leonardo Dicaprio who, lets face it, just seems to get more gorgeous with age.

How I forgot the gorgeous Ryan Gosling is beyond me.

So there is my updated list for 2011. It's not exhaustive, I reserve the right to update this when necessary with hot new additions and I also cannot be held accountable for what I might do if I happened to bump into one of these delectable young men in a dark alley...

I'm thinking my taste in men has improved drastically since 2010, although there will always be a place in my heart for Brandon Flowers.
Come, tell me your recent boy crushes (or just laugh at mine if you must...).

love & kisses
Mrs M x


  1. They are all too nicey nicey looking for my taste, but I'm weird!

  2. Timothy Olyphant - a crush reignited since I started watching Deadwood. Delectable!

    Also, Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark (or Sherlock Holmes for that matter...) and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Who frankly merge into one in mt fantasies a lot of the time...



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