Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Grow your own!

It's time for my annual what-are-you-growing-in-your-garden blogpost! 

I've been a bit slow in getting started this year, mainly because I'm going on holiday during the summer and  I don't want everything becoming ready when we're away so I am trying to stagger it so that more is ready towards the end of summer. This may not be entirely successful, time will tell!

A couple of weeks ago I planted five new fruit trees - I'm trying to create a bit of an orchard. That sounds very grand doesn't it? I promise you it's not! We've got fruit trees scattered all over the place - the driveway has cherry trees and we've got a couple of Bramley apple trees knocking about.  The area I am planning my "orchard" already has a plum and a pear tree down there, along with raspberry and gooseberry bushes and now I have just added apricot, greengage, Braeburn, plum and cherry. 

They don't look like much do they?  The plan is to add a couple of new trees every year. I am pleased to report they seem to be taking well and are all growing green leaves and a couple of them even have blossom on. The Braeburn apple tree has the most gorgeous fuschia pink buds at the moment.

Aside from the trees I will also be filling up my raised beds with veggies again. This year I am doing the usual peas, carrots and radish but I am also trying rocket, french beans, lettuce, mini cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, beetroot and some salad potatoes!  Last year the majority of what I planted was successful, especially the spinach so I am hoping that I will have similar results this year.

We'll also be planting about eight pumpkin plants in our specially designated "pumpkin patch" as my children love growing pumpkins. Nobody likes eating them which is a terrible shame isn't it? I can't even bear the smell. We grow them purely for Halloween and last year they grew really well.

Carving these babies took literally hours of my life and left me with a bad arm for days!

I've decided not to grow any flowers this year as to be honest I found it a bit of a chore, so this year I will be buying the flowers and repotting them into tubs and baskets.

I'll be planting the seeds over the Easter weekend and I'll report back with an update very soon. Are you planning to grow any veggies this year? Let me know your garden plans!

love & kisses
Mrs M x


  1. I have courgettes, runner beans, tomatoes and peas sown in pots. I need to re-dig my veggie plot before planting anything out!

  2. Last year I tried to grow fruit & veg for the first time. It wasn't much of a success! A combination of too small pots and an over enthusiastic 2 year old with a watering can pretty much killed everything off. We're older & wiser now so we'll spend this weekend digging up some of our wild 'garden' (bit of grass with bricks in it) and creating a vegetable patch. Hopefully.
    Loving the pumpkin patch - I'll have to make one of those for us! And no, none of us like them either but they look fantastic!

  3. I just did a garden post last night and today I've had a call to say we might get offered an allotment! Woo!

    We've got courgettes, potatoes, carrots, peas, beans, tomatoes, radishes and spring onions in and seedlings of cabbage, salad, caulies and beetroot. If the allotment comes I'll do more I hope. It was lovely to be out growing stuff. Even the flower beds look nice at the moment.

  4. Lynda @orchardtoys20 April 2011 at 14:48

    I have about 25 12inch tomato plants in unheated greenhouse. Plum, cherry, beefsteak and ordinary. A dozen pepper plants up to six inches in greenhouse. Endive lettuces planted out in plot. Will be putting on tomatoes into final containers to free pots to start my French and runner beans indoors. Planted radishes and pick and come again lettuce leaves last night. Not bothering with brassicas this year because, despite netting them cabbage white caterpillars devoured them all. Have strawbs in last year's bags. Will plant these out onto plot as strawbs in bags need too much watering! Will sow carrots at weekend. Phew!

  5. show great feedback here mrs M good read aswell


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