Wednesday, 22 September 2010

I'm H-A-P-P-Y!

I'm playing catch up with some blog posts and as I am at work at the moment I only have time for a quick one. I was given this award by Michelle at Spread a Little Happiness a few weeks ago and I've only just got round to posting about it! Thanks Michelle!

So the deal with this one is I'm meant to post who gave it to me which I have duly done above and then state ten things I like. Only ten?! *deep breath*

1. Red wine
2. Crisps (all flavours)
3. Countryfile
4. Shiny new unread magazines
5. The smell of petrol
6. Sitting in front of a warm fire
7. The cold side of the pillow
8. Dancing
9. The Bee Gees (yes, really)
10. Enid Blyton

As with all blog awards, I must now pass this on to other bloggers - ten of them, however I suspect that most have already received this so I may just do a couple...

Kate at The Five F's Blog
Amy at Cakes, Cooking and Children
Nicola at Nic's Notebook

love & kisses
Mrs M x


  1. Ooooh just seen this - thank you so much! Will post my list in the next few days :) Yay... I'm happy now too :) xx

  2. ooh, now, I didn't realise you'd tagged me in this... ha, will be an easy one for the weekend. :)



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