Sunday, 19 September 2010

Beautiful Blogger

You see that? Yes, I am a Beautiful Blogger. I was tagged by the lovely Roisin on her blog But it can't be from Dolly Clackett. She gave me an Easter egg! If you haven't even seen Roisin's blog, you should because her posts are always interesting, entertaining and she has the most amazing collection of dresses and shoes!

So for being a "Beautiful Blogger" I get this badge.

This now means I have to share seven little known facts about myself and pass this award on to five other bloggers.

1. I can't swim
I've stole this one from Roisin, but it's true. I can't swim. Not even a little bit. I've tried but it's just not for me, I hate the water and I'd go as far as to say I am scared of it. I can't bear it in my eyes even in the shower! I keep meaning to learn and now my children are learning I probably should start but I just hate the thought of it and doubt I'll ever get round to it.

2. Robert De Niro scares the beejesus out of me
It's totally true! I can just about bear to watch him in something like Meet The Parents but outside of that no way. I once had an incredibly evil dream about him but think this probably came from watching Cape Fear. I'm probably being unfair to Robert as I seem to have an irrational fear of any Italian American man...

3. If I could live anywhere in the world it would be...
Majorca. I am completely in love with the island and would move there in a heartbeat if I had enough money for us to live on! The people are lovely, the food is so good, there are so many pretty villages and beautiful beaches and the capital Palma is such a great place. There's nothing I don't like about Majorca, aside from Magaluf.

4. I am left-handed
Not an amazing revelation but a revelation all the same. Neither of my parents are left-handed and apparently neither of my children. If we were being official I would probably be classed mixed-handedness (not ambidexterity). I use my knife and fork the "right" way round but if I was to play a guitar I'd play it the wrong way around. I think with sports I could hold a bat in either hand but you know, I was never very sporty and have not picked up a bat in about 16 years so it's hard to remember!

5. I have an unhealthy love of cheese
All cheese. I probably have about 7 different types of cheese in my fridge at any one time, although I am not sure Dairylea counts? As I get older I get more adventurous in my cheese choices and I love a good stinky Stilton and I also get rather excited by "festive" cheeses like Wensleydale with cranberries. "You can never have too much cheese" is one of my mottos in life.

6. I have am obsessed with The Tudors
This may actually be well-known, I'm sure I've talked about it before. I love Henry VIII, I love his wives and his children. I actually can't read enough about him and the whole Tudor period. It's completely fascinating to me. I'd love to go back in time just for a little bit to see what it was like then.

7. I appreciate a good bridge
That might be the most weird statement I've ever made but there it is, it's out there. I like well designed bridges be it a canal bridge, suspension bridge or functional motorway bridge. I don't think there is any excuse for a bridge to be ugly and I like to see good design. I feel at this point I must point out I don't go looking for bridges specifically, I just notice them when out and about. I'm not some weird bridge-spotter.

Now it's time for me to nominate my bloggers and I am going with;

Kate at the
Five F's Blog
Ms C at
Happy Elastic
Lucie from Cooking at Marystow
Sarah at
Sugar and Spice
Michelle at The Nail Polished Princess

I'm looking forward to reading some little known facts about them!

love & kisses
Mrs M x


  1. Hurrah! And thank you for the lovely compliment. Swimming is totally over rated, and it seems like you have the same thing as me with water on your face. I can't bear it either, it's horrible.

  2. Arh thanks Mrs M, you have made my day. I love Majorca too!! Hugs xx

  3. Interesting facts! I was in the heart of Wensleydale cheese country this weekend. The Hawes Creamery is a cheese-lovers dream. :-)

  4. Thanks for tagging me. My post is here:



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