Wednesday, 4 August 2010

30 Days/30 Things - Day 06

"Whatever tickles your fancy"

Oh the pressure. Well this tickles my fancy. A song that reminds me of being 14 years old. Some days I wish I could go back there.

Tell me a song that reminds you of being 14?

love & kisses
Mrs M x


  1. I haven't thought about this song for YEARS! my 14 year old me song...not my favourite from the time, but one that takes me right back all the same is 'Ironic' by Alanis Morrisette. My friends and I used to sit around at breaktime and sing it!

  2. Losing My Religion by REM reminds me of being 14. Happy days. Sometimes wish I could turn back time too.

  3. Oh I love the Cranberries, love Dolores' voice.

    Anyhow I am a lot older than you so a song that reminds me of being 14 is Cars by Gary Numan. :)

  4. Ha, yes, I listened to that Jagged Little Pill album over and over on my cassette walkman Roisin, I would have been about 16 I think, 1996ish.

    Losing My Religion reminds me of being about 12, so that must have been about 1991/92?

    Good song Kate, although I can't hazard a guess at what year that might be ;-)

  5. Howard Jones. New Song. SO my fourteen year-old self.


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!