Friday, 6 August 2010

30 Days/ 30 Things - Day 08

"A photo that makes you sad/angry"

This was another hard one as I don't tend to keep photos that make me sad or angry, however I have chosen this one.

I suppose you wonder why it makes me sad?

The truth is sometimes I can't look at my little boys baby photos without feeling a little sad. I didn't enjoy his first year of life as he was a very difficult baby who cried solidly from the moment he got up until the moment he went to bed - with a few happy moments thrown in between as long as he was having your full attention. It was a difficult time during which I was mildly depressed and fought endless battles over his screaming, non-sleeping, refusal to eat and then his non-walking until 22months. Everyone told me it would get better but guess what? I'm still waiting!

He's still the same difficult, strong-willed, stubborn boy he was back then but you know, I love him with all my heart, we have such a special bond and that's why I feel sad. I wish I could have enjoyed that time more and I wish that he hadn't had such a miserable start to life.

love & kisses
Mrs M x

1 comment:

  1. Such a honest and touching post Mrs M. He looks like butter wouldn't melt in that photo x


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