Friday, 24 March 2006

Bringing up baby

Yesterday literally was a day from hell. It started off rather poorly when little miss decided to vomit all over herself - this is the point where I should have gone back to bed. It was Mr M's Grandmas funeral, which was obviously a very emotional event after which we decided to pick the little madam up and take her to the do afterwards. My normally happy, smiley, content baby had turned into the devil child in the one short hour she had spent being looked after by a relative (note to self: remove said relative from the babysitters list...). She cried, grizzled, moaned and whinged her way through the whole day right up until 11pm when she decided to end the day as it started - head to toe in vomit. I can't pretend that giving her away to the nearest passing stranger hadn't crossed my mind. But luckily, for both her and me, she has resumed normal service, and is smiling again!

Today, I am meant (meant) to be working. Yes, I agreed to work a little bit during maternity leave but it's kind of turned into a large amount of work instead of the small bit it should have been. just cannot get motivated. Which is a slight problem as my accounts need to be sent off today and they are nowhere near being done. Oh dear.

And I am also keeping a beady eye on an Ebay auction that I am bidding on, I never win these stupid things but I suspect that's because of all those snipers out there - I mean auction snipers and not actual men with guns. I am trying to buy a set of Baby Einstein DVD's for little miss to watch as she has decided to become a telly addict. I figured Baby Einstein would be a bit more educational for her to watch rather than her choice last night which was Footballers Wives followed by Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares. My babies first word is likely to be f*ck or hello said is a very wishy washy voice as that seems to be all I say all day to her.

Tomorrow consists of meeting a rather large gaggle of mummy's that I met on the Internet when I was pregnant. We are meeting in the very glamourous cosmopolitan city otherwise known as Birmingham. If you are around the Broad Street/Brindley Place area of Brum tomorrow, WATCH OUT if a gang of 18 stomping women and 18 whinging children should start heading in your direction.

love & kisses
Mrs M x

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