Tuesday 8 January 2013

52 Recipes, 52 Weeks Challenge

I'm undertaking two challenges this year, one is my reading challenge which I am going to blog about later this week, secondly is this one, the 52 Recipes in 52 Weeks one. More specifically I am going to try to cook those 52 recipes from 52 different cookbooks. 

I first saw this challenge mentioned on Twitter a couple of weeks ago and now I can't remember where - so if it was you, I apologise for not mentioning you here! It's no secret that I have a lot of cookbooks (315 at last count) and I haven't used them all, certainly over the past few months I've seemed to turn to old favourites so I'm hoping this challenge will force me into spending more time sitting down reading them and actually using more of the books I have collected.

I've got my first few recipes planned and will be blogging one of them shortly. I'm already a bit behind as my new cooking regime has only started this week so I've got some catch-up to do this week - I envisage this happening a couple of times during the year when holidays/real life get in the way! I've got a new page up there (look up, that's it, where those tabs are) where I shall list the recipes I have cooked as I go.  The idea behind the page is that it will also shame me into doing it as nobody wants to see a big blank list do they?

Books I am going to be cooking from in the next few months include Jamie's 15 Minute Meals, Paul Hollywoods baking book, Nigella Kitchen and a couple of curry cookbooks I have acquired recently. Can't beat a good curry!

Are you taking part in any blog challenges in 2013, cooking or otherwise? Would love to hear about them if you are!


  1. No blog challenge, but because I got a Good Food subscription for Christmas from the inlaws I felt I really ought to actually cook things from them! Ditto the zillion recipes I've pinned on Pinterest..... not to mention my cookbooks too. So I made a list and put it on my meal planning clipboard so that when I'm planning meals for the week I can be reminded of ones I want to cook!

    Hope your challenge goes well, I may join in! x

    1. That's a good idea. I have a notebook and tons of sticky markers and I often go through and start making notes of future things to cook!

  2. I think you are being very ambitious to do the recipes from 52 different cookbooks! Good luck anyway.

    1. I know - but I do have nearly 320 cookbooks so it might not be as hard as it sounds!

  3. I am reading Nigel Slaters book which I had for Christmas. A recipe for each day of the year. Already tried a bacon and celariac soup (slightly modified from his) - creamy and delicious. Good luck I think its 'do-able'.


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!