Monday, 24 September 2012

Meal Planning Monday (24th September 2012)


Is it raining where you are? It's DISMAL here today.

I've still not quite got back into the groove with meal planning yet, children's activities, play-dates and birthday teas are playing havoc with my routines.  This week really isn't any different so I'm going simple and easy (easy being a takeaway at least once!). This is what it looks like for me;

Macaroni cheese
Chicken curry & rice
Lasagne & salad 
Chinese takeaway

I normally do Jamie Oliver chicken fajitas but I fancy trying something different this week, so will look for some inspiration in a little bit.  I'm eating out one night too for a friends birthday.

I really need to start making use of my slow cooker. What I need to know though because I am paranoid and slightly OCD is are they a fire risk? Seriously. Has anyone had a slow cooker fire? I've become paranoid recently about leaving appliances plugged in and switched on, I'm even driving myself crazy and the thought of leaving something like a slow cooker plugged in sends me into a cold sweat!  Advice please?

So here is the Linky for #mealplanningmonday, fill your boots!  If you're new and not sure what's going on please ask - but basically just share your blog post about what you're eating this week below. If you don't write a blog, just leave a comment!

Look forward to catching up with all your blogs later this week.


  1. Mac and cheese is perfect for a rainy day!

  2. Our slow cooker will be making an appearance this week. I was a little worried at first about leaving it on while out but I've not had any issues with it as yet - no fires here!

    A lovely planner x

  3. Our slow cooker is back out now, and i love it. No fires here either :)

  4. I have used my slow cooker several times, and it's also got a rice cook setting with a delay which I've used without any problems. They're no more dangerous than any other kitchen appliance, such as a fridge which you leave plugged in - it doesn't create a huge amount of heat (because it cooks low, slowly) and it uses less electricity than a light bulb. Go for it! They cook things beautifully.

  5. Ooh yes, macaroni cheese, just what I need tonight!

  6. I've never heard of any slow cooker fires, didn't stop me not buying a slow cooker til last year though!

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I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!