Monday 23 July 2012

Meal Planning Monday (23rd July 2012)

Yes, yes, yes. I am very very late with this weeks Meal Planning Monday post but I have an excuse - I am poorly sick. I know, it's totally unfair to get ill when the weather is this glorious and I can't enjoy it.  I feel thoroughly miserable and am praying that this horrible cold (which is a complete humdinger) clears up before the weekend.  Over the past few weeks, Mr M has been ill, both the children have and now me. On the upside I am hoping this is our bout of illness before the holidays start. Anyway, enough of feeling sorry for myself.

This week THERE IS NO PLAN! In fact, there's probably going to be no plan for the next few weeks due to holidays, but don't let me stop you planning.  Oh no.

Tonight we are having Dominoes pizza, courtesy of Dominoes themselves who have invited me to try out their new Mexican range. Wednesday night I'm going to a friends house for curry and then Thursday we're off to Camp Bestival and I certainly shall not be cooking there, which really only leaves Tuesday to cater for and as yet, I haven't the foggiest what I will do for tea that night.  The no-plan is perfect for this week when all I want to do is wallow in my own self-pity.

What have you got planned? Leave the link to your meal planning blog post below and don't forget to check out the recipe party and join in if you've cooked something great during July!


  1. Oh poor thing! Fingers and toes crossed that you recover soon.


  2. Hope you feel better soon :-) Not sure why I did with the linky up there, only I could mess that up!!!

  3. Hope you feel better soon......Karen


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!