Monday 5 March 2012

Meal Planning Monday (5th March 2012)

After my non-week last week, I'm back with a meal planning vengeance! I spent an hour last night reading through everybody's posts from last week and it's nice to see that you're all still motivated to meal plan. 

Spring is almost in the air, yes, I know it snowed in some parts yesterday but there are daffodils and crocus and snow drops appearing here at home which means, yes, spring is a-coming. I don't know if it's just me but does anyone else get excited about the changing seasons and all the cooking opportunities this can bring? 

I'm desperate to get back to my new Kindle (more about that later this week but lets just say Mr M is in my good books...) so on with the plan.

Chilli beef and broccoli stir-fry with rice
Patatas bravas with chorizo
Peach, prosciutto and feta salad
Minty lamb flatbreads with greek salad
Fantastic fish pie

I fancy making another pie this week but that's a weekend job and I've still got time to sort out a recipe. I'm thinking it will be chicken but I saw a nice recipe for a sausage and cider one so it may be that.  I'll also be baking a chocolate and lime cake, and my lemon victoria sandwich this week. 

I can't wait to see your meal plans this week. The Linky is live below so let's see what you've got up your sleeve this week! Don't forget to keep spreading the word about #mealplanningmonday - the more joiners, the merrier. If you're new to Meal Planning Monday and you want to know more, get in touch!


  1. The peach, prosciutto and feta salad sounds amazing! I also love the changing of the seasons but the slow build to spring is definitely my favourite. You can't help but smile every time you see a daffodil! And round here... all the roundabouts are covered in them.

  2. Linked my menu! I'd love for you to link up to mine, too!

    I give a pin to all who link up. I clicked your Pinterest button to follow you but it just goes right to Pinterest...not to you on pinterest. Check it out and then stop over and lmk your pinterest name! Or follow me and I'll follow back!


  3. Thank you so much for hosting Mrs. M! I hope you have a lovely Monday!

  4. Is he in your good e-books?!
    I've done mine!

  5. Hey there, I can't believe I forgot to post my linky! Would love to know how you do your fish pie. I just blogged my personal recipe this evening.


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!