Monday, 19 March 2012

Meal Planning Monday (19th March 2012)

Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a tremendous Mothers Day? Mine was good, we went out for dinner and I filled my face with steak and chocolate brownies before settling down at home with a glass of red.

I've kind of lost my mojo at the moment. Not just cooking, but in general. I'm just feeling so tired and wiped out, it's hard to get motivated about anything. I'm hoping that it will come back with a vengeance this week but just in case it doesn't, I'm going low-key with the meal plan. There's no point setting myself up for a fall and feeling crap about it is there?

So, here's the bones of it

Spaghetti Bolognese
Kung Pao Chicken
and some type of fish dish yet to be decided.

They'll also be some baking at some point, probably a lemon cake.

Sorry, not very inspiring is it but they are my comfort go-to foods and that's what its all going to be about this week!

Let's see what you have then, huh? The Linky is below, join in and share your blog post. I'll comment on each and every one and will retweet as many as possible. Remember the hashtag of #mealplanningmonday and don't forget to share the word about Meal Planning Monday with your readers, the more people joining, the more inspiration for everyone (and the more commenting I have to get through on a Sunday afternoon...!).

Thanks to all you joiners, can't wait to read your meal plans this week!


  1. I'm off to look up how to make Kung Pao Chicken!

  2. Nothing wrong with comfort food. I hope you feel perkier soon.

  3. They look nice, think I'll try Kung Pao Chicken next week, will you blog your recipe? If you need inspiration on the fish recipe let me know. Cheers Jo

  4. Hope you feel better soon lovely x

  5. Mmm fajitas! You can't go wrong with those! I hope you find your mojo soon :) take care x

  6. Thanks for hosting! I hope you have a wonderful Monday.

  7. Hope you feel less tired soon. Menu looks great. Thanks for hosting.

  8. I am mojo-less at present as well, it sucks doesn't it? Hope you manage to stick to your comfort foods, good luck!

  9. Oooh I love Fajitas my favourite! Hope you find your mojo soon :)


I always like to hear your thoughts, so please do leave a comment!