Monday 12 July 2010

New Chocolate Weetabix!

Firstly, in the interest of being open and honest let me start by saying that I was asked by the good people at Weetabix to review this product and in return, I received a goody bag as a token of goodwill. There, that's the necessities out of the way.

Secondly, let me tell you that my daughter loves Weetabix and it would be no exaggeration on my part to say that she practically survived a two week holiday in Majorca when she as 8 months old by eating nothing but Weetabix, yoghurt, bananas and toast. Sometimes all at the same time. So it stands to reason that she was particularly keen to try the new chocolate variety.

Chocolate for breakfast? I hear you, it's not ideally what you want to put in front of them but let me tell you that this new cereal has less than half the sugar content compared to other chocolate flavoured breakfast cereals. New Chocolate Weetabix is also high in fibre, low in salt and full of vitamins and minerals whilst having no artificial colouring so not only a yummy way to start the day but a healthy one too!

I'm sure most parents with school-age children can find that breakfast is a bit of a battleground - I know I do. My daughter is a bit like me, she's not a big breakfast person, preferring to eat at about 10am - however that's not doable when she's got school so I have to try and tear her away from Milkshake and entice her in with breakfast, and I've found the more interesting, the better. I'm no food nazi and have no problems with chocolate breakfast cereals whatsoever ,as long as its party of a balanced diet, I just don't see the issue and if it means my child goes to school with a satisfied tummy then I am happy.

(I'd love to say the photo above was of my happy children, but unfortunately not being a morning person is another thing she inherited from her mother and there wasn't much chance that she was willing to be papped this morning.)

The verdict? The Chocolate Weetabix got a big thumbs up. (The bowl was also pretty clean which is normally a good indication of a satisfied customer). Would I buy it again? Yes, probably. Variety is the spice of life so they tell me and we often have 4 or 5 different cereals on the go at any one time - Weetabix is generally a staple in the larder unit and I can predict that Original Weetabix is going to get swiftly elbowed out of the way by this new snazzier variety.

Chocolate Weetabix is available from today in Sainsbury's stores and in other major retailers from August 2010.

love & kisses
Mrs M x


  1. I watched a programme once with that professor lady and the conclusion she came to was that sugary cereals weren't all bad. The important thing is that a child has a good breakfast so if giving them something chocolatey was what made them eat, that was no bad thing. Sounds like this could be a decent compromise. Mine would love this.

  2. Sounds about right, my philosophy really - I'd rather they eat a chocolaty cereal than nothing at all.

  3. I thought the photo was of you and your family at first - was just about to comment on how perfect you all looked lol


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