Wednesday 21 July 2010

Must See Movies?

I stumbled across this web-page the other when searching for something else - 100 Movies to See Before You Die. It appears I have a lot of film watching to catch up on as from that list I've only actually seen 11 of them (ET, The Matrix, Schindler's List, Snow White, The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, Terminator 2, The Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction, Titanic and Toy Story).

This led me to thinking about all the other films I have never seen and those I have watched over and over again.
Some people have been surprised to learn that I have never seen Top Gun. Apparently it was a big hit of the '80s and it's astounding I have reached the age of 30.5 without ever having seen it but I think I've probably got a lot of other films I have never seen that would get a big "What??!" out of people.

Unless I am really interested in a film or have some mad crush on an actor or actress in it then I can take or leave new films. I like comfort when curling up to watch a movie at home, comfort and familiarity so I do tend to watch films I like more than once rather opting for something new. Common reoffenders are Twilight & New Moon (no need to snigger, we all know I have a mental age of 13), Saturday Night Fever (all time favourite), Forrest Gump, Stand By Me, Jerry Maguire, The Notebook, Sex and the City, Steel Magnolias and any '80's kind of dance movie like Footloose or Flashdance. I'm a simple girl when it comes to films and hate most horror, sci-fi or action films.

So, here's a list straight off of the top of the top of my head of some of the films I haven't seen. This of course not exhaustive.

Any of the Harry Potter films

Any Lord of the Rings

Star Wars I, II, III

Top Gun


Tomb Raider

Any Indiana Jones


Die Hard



Charlies Angels
Any of those Bourne films Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Slumdog Millionaire

Any Batman films

Any Godfather films

Thelma and Louise


Cast Away
Sleeping with the Enemy

Moulin Rouge

Groundhog Day


A Clockwork Orange
Chronicles of Narnia Dead Poet's Society
What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Good Will Hunting
The Da Vinci Code

Shawshank Redemption

Apocalypse Now

Saving Private Ryan

When Harry Met Sally

Dead Man Walking

Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe

Any James Bond films aside from Casino Royale & Tomorrow Never Dies

and the list goes on and on.

So, do tell me. Are there any absolute gems up there that I have missed out on and must rush out and see immediately?

love & kisses
Mrs M x

PS Did you see how I resisted using a picture of Edward Cullen on this post? I had the perfect excuse and I restrained myself. Until now.


  1. Oooh, I have to say that you have missed out on seeing some corkers there!
    But I'm a bit like you, I've never seen some of the 'must-see' films too - Top Gun, The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins.. and quite a few others too! *shock*horror*

  2. Out of those films, my favourites are Moulin Rouge and Groundhog Day which I'd advise you to see ASAP as you're missing out. Especially Groundhog Day. I just love it. Happy viewing!

  3. Cast Away is a fantastic film, I love it.Also agree with Groundhog Day, I think you'd like it.

  4. Thank God there is SOMEONE else who hasnt seen any of the Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings films - my friends think I'm crazy for having not seen them!
    I have seen all the James Bond films bar the Daniel Craig ones - they ar worth watching! And so is Die Hard.
    I havent seen Charlie & The Chocolate Factory (new or old!), Footloose, Pirates of the Caribbean (any of them),Top Gun, ET...i havent seen alot of the ones you've listed to be honest!

  5. Loads I have seen lots I haven't :) but totally distracted by Edward pic so can't comment further ;-D

  6. Would you disown me if I said I wasnt a Edward/twilight fan?

    Chicago is a must watch! It's my favourite show to watch and I'm constantly re-watching the dvd so that I can sing along :)

  7. Very spooky! - as earlier tonight we were looking on Love Film at the top 250 greatest films ever... loads I've not seen. Die Hard, When Harry Met Sally are fab. Saving Private Ryan is so moving - you have to see it. You are going to be flying through the Maltesers and popcorn whilst you see all these! :) Lucie x


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