Wednesday 14 June 2006


After straining and grunting for about two days little miss finally pooped!! Whoopee. Okay maybe not a cause for celebration in every household but it is a momentous occasion in my house, it makes her Daddy ever so proud. I was feeding in her bed this morning, having a lazy moment watching LK Today whilst giving her a bottle, when she went all beetroot in the face and I thought 'aha result' so took her off to the nursery to find a small solid dollop, very disappointing. This was swiftly followed however by a very large pant fill. My poor little baby is constipated and I have a feeling that I caused it with the hungry baby formula. Oh dear. Will ask my lovely Health Visitor 'J' about it when I go to Baby Clinic today to get the little dumpling weighed. A ny guesses on what she might weigh today?? She was 9lb 13oz two weeks ago, so my bet is around 10lb 8oz.

What else have I got planned for today? Oh yes, I am going to visit my 8 month pregnant friend and her 3 year old son for lunch. Such is the life of a stay at home mummy, we get to be ladies what lunch whilst the husbands slog their guts out, at a desk (a whole lot of slogging that is). I also have some other boring errands to run like post a letter to a penpal in Australia (we have been writing to each other for over 10 years) and go to the bank to pay some money off our mortgage. Yipppee. Another step towards my dream home.

Apart from that the only other highlight of my day will be settling down to watch Emmerdale and The OC tonight - I am obSETHed with The OC and have even managed to convince my darling 'N' that its great too. I will live in Newport Beach one day and become a 'Newpie', spend my days on the beach and in the coffee shops drinking latte in my little Marc Jacobs number. I will I will I will.

So there it is, don't you feel all the better for knowing so much information about my little girls bowel activity. You do, don't you?

love & kisses
Mrs M x

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